Factors Affecting Aleshtar District Farmers’ Satisfaction And Loyalty towards Extension Training Classes

Document Type : Research Paper



One of agriculture extension goals is informal training of farmers to improve agricultural practices,
meeting their needs and empower them through extension training classes. Indeed, these classes have
an important role to achieve extension goals. Thus, this survey was designed to investigate factors affecting
Aleshtar farmers satisfaction and loyalty towards extension training classes through survey in
Khozestan. The statistical population comsisted of all Aleshtar farmers (N= 650) who participated in
extension training classes and simple random quota sampling through Krejcie and Morgan sampling
table resulted to select 240 farmers. Data collection in this study was conducted using researcher-made
questionnaire. After preparing the questionnaire and confirming its validity by experts, its reliability
was confirmed through a pilot study by calculating theta reliability (θ= %78- %95). Structural equation
modeling was used to determine factors influencing farmers satisfaction through AMOS20. The results
revealed that, perceived quality service variable had the highest direct impact on participants' satisfaction
and satisfaction in tern had the highest direct impact on participants' loyalty toward extension
training classes. Another way, variables of farmers expect of extension training classes and farmers and
educators’ emotions toward extension classes had the highest indirect effect on individuals satisfaction
and loyalty. In addition, the sums of the direct and indirect impacts of farmers’ and educators’ emotions
toward extension training classes had the highest impact on farmers’ satisfaction of extension training
classes and satisfaction had the highest impact on loyalty toward extension training classes


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