Investigation Factors Affecting the decisions career of graduates of agricultural colleges in Ilam Township

Document Type : Research Paper


In recent years, career decision-making has always been considered one of the main challenges students in universities and educational centers. Uncertainty in decision making and subsequent career in the future concerns the issue of obtaining a job after graduating, intellectual concern for many students, especially in the last years has education. The purpose of this study was to examine factors influencing career decision making Graduate Agricultural of Universities in Ilam Township. All graduated students of Universities in Ilam Township as the Statistical population(N=2000). The sample size if 400 graduated students based on Morgan table was taken randomly. After designing and validating the questionnaire, it was pilot- test among 30 graduated students by Cronbach's alpha. Data processing and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS19. Based on the results, Factor analysis revealed five factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted. In total, 57.564 % of the total variance was explained by factors And 42.436 of the remainder of the factors that were identified in the analysis. The results of ordinal regression models showed that age, structural and political factors, economic factors and personality traits have the most influence on decision-making graduates job.


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