The factors influencing on educational burnout in students of agriculture and natural resources field in Razi University

Document Type : Research Paper




Educational (Academic) burnout is the mental inadequacy and boredom feeling that students show against chronic stress due to lack of necessary resources for doing their assigned duties and tasks. The Statistical Population consisted of 1250 student who study in agriculture and natural resources Discipline at Razi University in 2016-2017 year academic that 300 person were selected by use of Krejcie and Morgan table , using random stratified sampling method. Maslach Demographic -Educational information and Educational boredom inventory was used for data collection. Validity and reliability of this scale with Cronbach's alpha was confirmed for inefficiency, incertitude (doubts) and emotional boredom subscales as 0.72, 0.76 0.71 respectively. For identifying factors influencing on educational burnout, the ordinal regression was performed with use of SPSS v. 16software. According chance ratio statistics, possibility for impact of students gender on educational burnout was 3.23, possibility for impact of academic field variables, average grade and time of courses in educational indifference dimension was 1.45, 1.26 and 2.34 respectively, possibility for impact of educational field variables and average in emotional boredom dimension was 1.52 and 1.16, and in educational inefficiency dimension was 1.35 and 2.45 times more than when we don’t consider these variables. Average had protective role against educational boredom and studying at none diurnal courses was among risks factors for educational burnout. Ordinal regression analysis show that four variable namely average, field, academic session and gender affected on measuring possibility for estimate of academic burnout in students.


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