The Role of Entrepreneurial Competencies to Tendency for SMEs startup by the Students of Agricultural Extension and Education at Bu Ali Sina University, Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ail Sina University,Hamdan, Iran

2 Dept.of rural developmant management,faculty of agriculture,librarian university,khoramabad


Considering the importance of SMEs in economic development many of developed and developing countries prioritize the establishment and supporting of them. For emerging entrepreneurial activities the related competencies are necessity. Purpose of this study is predicting variables affecting to students’ tendency to SMEs startup with focusing the required Competencies. Statistical population the study consisted of 198 Agricultural extension and education student at Bu Ali Sina University. According to the Patton’s table, a sample size of 164 was selected using a Quota sampling method. The questionnaires were used to collect the data. Questionnaire’s reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha formula and its coefficient is (α=0.88).Data were analyzed by ordinal regression equation with SPSS software. Using logistic regression, it was found that 26% of changes in the tendency to launch small and medium businesses are the most important influential variable on the tendency of students to set up small and medium enterprises, are strategic competencies. Results of U test (Mann Whitney test) showed that there are significant differences between girls and boys students in opportunity, communicative and mental competenciesOnly 17 percent of high-end students are in the of attitude small businesses.


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