The Impact of Socio - Psychological Variables Influencing Adoption of Chickpea Pod Borer Biological control in Kermanshah

Document Type : Research Paper


One of the products that are abundant in the area under cultivation, is chickpea The highest area under cultivation and production of chickpea in Kermanshah province is allocated. Since the Damage to farms chickpea, lowers the performance of this product And the use of chemical pesticides does not guarantee success pest control Therefore, use of non-chemical control methods, including using biological control by pea growers seem wise. The overall aim of this descriptive correlational study and Factors effect the acceptation of biological control chickpea pod borer in the Kermanshah township. The population in this study comprised chickpea growers in Kermanshah township(N = 3000) in which 341 according to Morgan table And were selected using simple random sampling techniques. Data were collected using a structured interview questionnaire was made, was to gather information And using spss software were processed and analyzed. Based on the findings, size of family, the area under and cultivation experience chickpea growers in a pea-fed two groups of chickpea pod borer accept or refuse biological control was significant. According to the results of logistic regression, Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were influential in the acceptation of biological control chickpea pod borer The greatest influence on the acceptation of biological control chickpea pod borer is created by changing attitude.


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