Factors influencing Self-Employment Intention among Students of Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan

Document Type : Research Paper


One of the most important social issues in developing countries, especially Iran, Unemployment University graduates in all academic disciplines, especially in agriculture there. Study aimed to identify factors affecting the students to self-employment is in the agricultural sector. The research was applied, and it was descriptive- correlation, in terms of controlling the variables, in which used a survey method. Study population was all undergraduate students of Khuzestan Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University (N=942). Statistical sample was 304 students that determined by Krejcie and Morgan table and a random sampling method was used to collect data from students using questionnaire. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of agricultural extension and education experts. The reliability of the main scales of the questionnaires was examined by teta coefficients, which ranged from 0.70 to 0.90, indicating the tool of study is reliable. SPSS24 and AMOS22 software were used to analyze data. The results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between Outcome Expectation, Self-efficacy, Perception of other behavior and Social structural factors (support and barriers) with intention towards self-employment in the agricultural sector. The results also showed that the variables of Outcome Expectation, Self-efficacy, Perception of other behavior and Social structural factors (support and barriers) has direct effects on the variable positive intention towards self-employment in the agricultural sector. Collectively, these variables are capable predict 85 percent of the variability intention towards self-employment in the agricultural sector.


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