Improvement Factors of Staff Training Courses and Motivational Methods for Employees Participation Development in These Courses “Case Study: Ministry of Agriculture Jihad”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member

2 Association of AREEO


This research aimed to determine the improvement factors of short term in-service educational programs and motivational methods for employee’s participation development in these courses. Quantity and quality research methods applied in this study. In qualify methods was used the In-depth interview and was used the survey methods in quantity sector. A research-made questionnaire was used as research instrument which its validity confirmed by a panel of experts and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) and reliability was evaluated by Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite Reliability (CR). Statistical population in qualify sector was included personnel education experts that were selected by snowball sampling. The 10 participants were selected. Statistical population in quantity sector were experts of ministry of agriculture jihad (N=280) and staff managers (N=1075). Sample size of experts was determined by Cochran formula (n=160) and Sample size of staff managers were determined by Cochran formula (n=162). The random sampling was used for sampling. The result showed that the effectiveness of staff training courses less than average in improving the effectiveness of job (12.64 from 20). The result of confirmatory analysis showed that in variables related to design factors, “Designation teachers Authorization in changing curriculum and course content”, variable related to selection factor “using direct personals point of view”, variables related to implementation, “implement forecasts made in the action plan” and in variables related to Monitoring, evaluation and modification factor, “monitoring technical and vocational teachers qualification” had the highest share in explaining the latent factors.


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