Effect of Professional Competence Components on Agriculture High Schools Educators' Job Performance in the North West Provinces of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Agriculture, University of Zanjan


Given the vital importance of job performance and the key role of educators as one of the main foundations of education, recognizing the effective variables on improving the job performance of the educators is essential particularly professional competencies. Therefore, the main purpose of this research was to study the effect of professional competence components on agriculture high schools educators' job performance in the north west provincces. The statistical population consisted of all educators of agriculture high schools in the four provincces of Iran, including West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardebil and Zanjan (N=295), of which a sample size of 210 person was selected using stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using the research-made questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Furthermore, based on the values of Average Variance Extracted (0.525<AVE<0.807) and Composite Reliability (0.802<CR<0.948), the questionnaire had appropriate convergent validity and reliability. Similarly, Considering being greater the AVE values than Average Shared Squared Variance and Maximum Shared Squared Variance, the questionnaire had suitable divergent validity. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) multivariate technique (Partial Least Squares) was used to analyze data and for this purpose, Smart PLS software was applied. The results showed that three main components of professional competency namely basic competencies (β=0.208, ρ= 0.01), personal competencies (β=0.297, ρ= 0.01) and educational competencies (β=0.434, ρ= 0.01) had a positive and significant effect on agriculture high schools educators' job performance, explaining about 53 percent of its variances.


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