The impact of Khuzestan Agriculture experts' knowledge in acceptance of coping strategies with climate change by farmers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Extension, Communication and Rural Development, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University, Mollasani, Ahwaz, Iran.


Knowledge is regarded as essential factor for successful action of different group including agricultural experts and scholars. According to agricultural experts and scholars have special roles in educating farmers in order to coping with climate change and study about agricultural issues, Analysis of their knowledge about the existence of climate change and its causes, consequences and adaptation ways is central to developing interventions in support of adaptation and mitigation. this paper investigates the factors influencing knowledge and influenced knowledge among agricultural experts. The statistical population of this research consisted of 520 agricultural experts and researchers of Khuzestan Province. A sample of 320 persons was selected through Random Stratified Sampling method. The survey instrument was a questionnaire. The reliability of it using θ coefficient(0/68-0/87) has been approved. The results showed a significant part of agricultural specialists(66.6%) believe that climate change impacts are already visible. In addition, most environmental concerns were respectively about three the issue of air pollution, water pollution and the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. SEM, also showed trust in government have direct and positive effect on psychology distance and self-efficacy and also have indirect effect on general knowledge, consequence knowledge and adaptation knowledge. Psychology distance has negative and direct effect on general knowledge. Also risk salience is a strong predictor of belief to existence of climate change and belief to existence of climate change have direct and positive effect on risk perception and mitigation intention, there for risk salience indirectly influences risk perception and mitigation intention.


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