Document Type : Research Paper
1 Ph. D. student of agricultural education- Department of Agricultural Extension and Educaton Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Development, University of Tehran.
2 Professor - Department of Agricultural Extension and Educaton Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Development, University of Tehran.
In the pathway of the evolution of higher education, there are footprint of different approaches and models of educational planning and curriculum that analytic perspective on approaches and fields reveals that each one is based on conditions, needs and constraints, and this is why continuous thinking about Curriculum is essential. The curriculum is not separate from the discipline, and in its broadest meanings it is what is learned to the learner. Content of curriculum contains of organized and stored knowledge, terminology, information, reality, facts, principles, methods, concepts, generalizations, phenomena and issues related to the subject. Agriculture is a systematic science that is described by social and ecological systems, while the content of agricultural education programs focuses on separate disciplines (insectology, botany, etc.), which does not prepare students to deal with complex systems of Agriculture. Therefore, there is an urgent need in the agricultural education system and agricultural education and extension in order to change the orientation of the curriculum based on the interdisciplinary education approach. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is rethinking about the curriculum content of the undergraduate in the field of agricultural education and extension based on the principles governing the interdisciplinary approach. Which is Used the methodology of qualitative and quantitative content analysis and the technique of semi-structured interviews,to survey and identify the subjects and central signage; Topics, educational orientations and skills; and complementary disciplines and collaborative organizations from the perspective of faculty members and experts in the field of agricultural education and extension.