Ranking of the Current Situation Component of the Meritocracy Model of the Educational Manager's of Education & Research Centers of the Ministry of Jihad-E-Agriculture

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD of the west Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 professor of West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of the this paper is to examine ranking of the current situation of the meritocracy model components for managers of the research and training centers of Ministry of Agriculture Jahad. The type of present study was quantitative, application, Field, non-descriptive. The questionnaire consists of 69 type and 11 Components with the Cronbach's alpha 0/808, reliability 0/846. validity that, it is confirm by 19 experts in the first level of main research and assigned to 35 experts of the research and training agriculture institute. It is surveyed based on component ranking in current situation by using PLS software. The current mode ranking was included crisis management 4, empowerment 9, leadership and teamwork 6, science and knowledge management 7, entrepreneurship and development thought 11, ethics 1, critical and creative thinking 10, statesmanship 5, forth wave management thinking 8, system thinking 2, learning organization thinking 3. Finally, the statesmanship and forth wave management thinking components compared with definition in meritocracy model and determined that it has not proper situation. Therefore, the empowerment and excellence programs need to be set up, then promote more effective and knowledge-based components by ranking components, but it is done with a view of training priorities, to train future managers of relevant devices. According to ratings and needs of social outcomes, we will have more forward-looking and knowledgeable managers based on needs assessment in terms of social priorities, converting human resources to human capital, content formulation and outreach training in areas of the country, and the other hand meritocracy, fourth wave thinking, and politicized behavior. Adopting such policies requires that the higher education system, while adopting appropriate policy practices and patterns at the highest levels of decision-making, consider both the scientific standards and the political, social, economic, and cultural conditions of society.


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