Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Education, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center- Agricultural research Education and Extension organization, Sari-Iran.

2 Phd in Higher Education administration, Technical and Vocational Training Organization


The Social capital is informal social relations that lead to the development of cooperation among human resources and improves the performance of individuals, groups and institutions with the labor market and production and civil society.The purpose of this study was to present a model of social capital improvement in agricultural skills training centers.The research methodology was qualitative and the Grounded Theory and purposive sampling method was used. The statistical population included members of the faculty of different departments of agricultural colleges in Mazandaran province that had educational and research experiences in the field of skills training as well as social capital and had a cooperative background especially with the Jihad of Agriculture and training and research centers. The data collection process continued until the theoretical saturation and useful threshold were reached. Accordingly, 22 faculty members were interviewed as a sample. Max QDA10 Software and the Struss and Corbin coding strategy (open coding, axial and selective coding) were used for data analyzing. CVR (Content Validity Ratio) and CVI (Content Validity Index) were used to determining the degree of agreement and validity of each index from the experts' point of view. The results showed that the calculated value for both was 0.8 Based on the research findings, a model was designed that included causal, contextual, interventioner, phenomenon, strategies and outcomes. To validate of the model, a questionnaire based on the 9 scale was designed and provided to the experts participating in the research process. As a result, the proposed model was desirable.


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