Document Type : Research Paper
1 Faculty member of Economic social and extention research department, Kermanshah Agricultural and resources research and education center,(AREEO).Kermanshah, Iran
2 Expert of Kermanshah Organization of Jahad-e-Agricultural, Kermanshah, Iran.
3 Assistant Prof.of Institute of Agricultural Education and Extension, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization(AREEO), Tehran, Iran
4 Expert of Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Research and Education center, AREEO, Kermanshah, Iran
The purpose of this study was investigating the factor affecting motivation of rural youth toward vocational agricultural school in Kermanshah and Ravansar counties. In terms of goal, data collection and data analysis the study was an applied, survey and correlation descriptive research respectively. The target population consisted of boye and girls students in the third grad of high school first in Kermanshah and Ravansar counties in the 2018-2019 years(N=3455). Sample size determined using table Bartlet et al as 350 people and stratified random sampling method was used as a sampling method. The main research instrument was questionnaire which its validity confirmed by the panel of expert and reliability was used cronbachs alpha coefficient. The results indicated that 21% respondents had the positive towards vocational agricultural school. The correlation coefficient shows that there is a significant relationship between individual factor, social factor, political factor, economic factor, challenge and ambiguity tolerance with the motivation of rural youth in recruiting vocational centers and agricultural secondary education. Rrsult of ordinal regression analysis showed that social factor, political factor, Feeling of belonging to the village, Satisfaction with life in the village, Interest in agricultural work had a positive impact. But the economic Factor and pragmatism had a negative impact toward motivation to continuing education in agricultural..