Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D Student of Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Khuzestan Agriculture and Natural Resources

2 Professor of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan.

3 Associate professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan


The aim of the present study was to model the factors affecting the implementation of knowledge management in Iran's agricultural extension system. The research method was Combined and exploratory sequential type. The statistical population of the study includes 327 people, including general managers and heads of departments of the Institute of Agricultural Education and extension, a researcher of senior work extensions and extentional coordination management, and heads of provincial departments. Due to their activities in various sectors, the knowledge management process in the agricultural extension system has been selected. The volume of the sample was determined using Morgan's table of 250 people who were selected by appropriate proportions of stratified random sampling. The research tools were a researcher-made questionnaire with six sections: knowledge management, organizational leadership and management, organizational dimensions, organizational culture, information and communication technology, and human resource management. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were examined and confirmed before use. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the validity of the questionnaire structure and structural equation model with Amus software was used to present the research model. The results of the research model test showed that the fit of the model with the data was appropriate and the impact factor of the four factors of leadership and organizational management (0.49), organizational dimensions (0.62), organizational culture (0.56), information and communication technology (0.57) and human resource management (0.63) were significant on the implementation of knowledge management in the agricultural extension system.


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