Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 2 M.Sc. Rural Development, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran


The main purpose of this study was factors affecting the improvement of technical knowledge of wheat farmers in relation to sustainable environmental operations. The statistical population of this study was consisted of all Khorramabad County were the central province in case study (N = 12500). Using Cochran's sampling formula, 240 of them were selected as a sample (N=240). The main instrument in this study was questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by the panel of experts and the reliability of it was also calculated by using a sequential alpha test and through software. Data were analyzed by SPSS18 software. The results of regression analysis showed Membership variables in Social capital, attitude towards sustainable environmental operations, level of education, number of extension calls and use of information resources have the greatest impact on improving the technical knowledge of antagonists. Also, the range of technical knowledge (cognitive, knowledge and skill) have a significant impact on the improvement of the sustainable environmental operations. So that they can predict 40% of variance of the dependent variable of the research (sustainable environmental operations).


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