The empowerment pattern for Agricultural students of razi university to enter the job market

Document Type : Research Paper


Payam noor university


High unemployment of agricultural graduates is one of the main concerns of Iran’s higher education sys tem, which can reduce the motivation of Agricultural s tudents to be educated. Therefore, this research eliminate conducted to provide a pattern to empower Razi University agricultural s tudents to enter Iran’s market. with a Mixed (quantitative-qualitative) exploratory research design applied to conduct this research. Grounded theory for the quantitative part and cause-correlation method used to handle the quantitative part. The s tatis tical population of the qualitative part Consis ted of 108 agricultural faculty members at Razi University, Iran.By Interviewing 21 of them researcher achieved theoretical saturation threshold. In 2020-2021, there were 644 people, which according to Krejcie and Morgan table, 238 people were selected as a sample by proportional s tratified random sampling method. Data were collected through interviews in the qualitative section, which resulted in the design of a s tudent empowerment mode. In the quantitative part, information was collected from s tudents through a ques tionnaire that the content validity of the ques tionnaire was confirmed by opinion polls and convergent validity was confirmed by calculating CR = 0.82 and AVE = 0.77. The reliability of the ques tionnaire was determined using R software and the sequential theta coefficient was calculated for different parts of the ques tionnaire (Ө = 0.75-91) and the designed pattern was validated. Qualitative data analysis was performed through three s tages of open, axial and selective coding using Maxqda16 software. In the quantitative part, SPSSwin16 to inves tigate individual characteris tic and the partial leas t squares method using smartpls3 software to evaluate the measurement model. S tructural and hypothesis tes ts were used. The results of the research in the qualitative part resulted in the identification of 65 indicators in the form of seven categories of entrepreneurial, educational and research, psychological, ins titutional, environmental, individual and governmental factors. The results of the quantitative part of the research showed that all 7 research hypotheses are approved. Also, the value of multiple coefficients for s tructural equation is above 0.90, which shows that the exogenous independent variables related to empowerment have been able to explain more than 0.90 of the changes of the dependent variable. Due to the importance of empowering s tudents in the s tudy period to enter the job market and alignment of faculty members and s tudents comments on the components and indicators related to empowerment, the results of the research can be used to enhance s tudent's empowerment.


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