Research Population and Sample

Document Type : lk


Professor, Agricultural Extension Education Faculty of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Development, University of Tehran, Iran


Research, with its’ all ethical dimensions, is trus teeship with the researcher to explore, reveal and disseminate facts to bounce it to the owner. To do this, introducing the right and reliable source of research data (Statis tical population) is the prim discipline to consider although unfortunately this initial regulation is considered less in many researches. Therefore, invalid and unreliable source of date is bothering abundant researches to invalidate their findings regarding facts inves tigation. Vague research population, sample size, sample selection, and even sample assignment procedure were the mos t predominant insufficiency biasing research to unveil facts in over 1500 research articles, considerable number of research reports, graduate theses and even Ph. D. dissertations that reviewed in this analytical documentary inves tigation article. Providing accurate and adequate research proposal; proper and right data; sufficient s tatis tical procedures; realis tic analysis, deduction and generalization are four fundamental research principles s tressed and enlightened in this article to assis t researchers to avoid research obs tacles. Because, the more blemished these research principles, the more inaccurate data, and hence the more unreliable results. Thus, recent precise and applicable on-line calculation procedures to determine the sample size based on the characteris tics of the confidence level, confidence interval, size, and mos t importantly, the effect size of the research population introduced in this article


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