Relationship between Creativity, Learning Styles and Educational Achievement of Agricultural Undergraduate Students in the University of Zanjan

Document Type : Research Paper


Educational achievement of Students is influenced by several factors, including their learning style and creativity. By knowing the type of learning style, creativity and their relationship with educational achievement, purposive learning is happened which Consist the purpose of this descriptive- correlational study. Research tool was a questionnaire, including personal and academic characteristics of students, Index of Kolb Learning Styles and Index of Torrance Creativity. Validity of indexes was approved because of their frequent use in previous studies. A pilot study was conducted and calculated ordinal coefficient theta was at the appropriate level (ϴ≥0.85) for different parts of questionnaire. The statistical population consist 724 undergraduate students in the faculty of agriculture, University of Zanjan from which 217 students were selected randomly as sample using Cochran formula under stratified randomized sampling method. Results showed that learning styles of assimilation (39.6 percent), accommodation (34.6 percent), divergent (14.5 percent) and convergent (11.5 percent) were the first to fourth dominant learning style among students, respectively. The majority of students (81.6 percent) had average and lower than the average of creativity in total. According to Kruskal Wallis test, there was no significant meaningful deference between students of different learning styles regarding their creativity. Results of logistic regression analysis revealed that creativity, significantly and positively affect the educational achievement, while learning style had no meaningful effect on educational achievement. Creativity, in equation, is able to predict educational achievement of students in either of the good, or weak to an extent of more than 77.9 percent correctly.


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