Driving factors of entrepreneurship development in agricultural engineering, technical and consulting services companies in Alborz province

Document Type : Research Paper


Corporate entrepreneurship is an important factor in the development and improvement of economic performance and wealth creation and can play a very important role in improving the performance of an organization.This research aimed to investigate driving factors of entrepreneurship development in agricultural engineering, technical and consulting services companies in Alborz province. Statistical population included all employees of these companies (N=207). According to Cochran formula, the sample size was determined (n=119). For multi-stage random sampling method was used for sampling. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by some members of the professional department of agricultural extension and education. Its reliability coefficient was approved using ordinal theta (α= 0.78- 0.91). Friedman test showed that between four driving factors of entrepreneurship development, behavioral factor (with components including leadership style, entrepreneurial characteristics of managers, organizational culture and organizational communication) have the most importance. Factor analysis showed 57/765% of the variance of environmental factors of driving factors of entrepreneurship development in agricultural engineering, technical and consulting services companies in Alborz province explained by three factors which named as social support, legislating, meritocracy and convergence and two-way interactions. This research recommended attention of companies managers to delegation of authority, participating creative and innovative employees to solve companies problems and legality to create an atmosphere of healthy competition between companies in order to entrepreneurship development in agricultural engineering, technical and consulting services companies.


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