To Investing the Role of Human Sources Training and Extension in Thymus Vulgaris Performance Improving in West Part of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ilam university

2 Higher Education Institute in Bakhtar Ilam, teacher of Payame Noor University, Iran

3 Department of Management, Payame Noor University, I.R. of IRAN


To promote agriculture and to train human sources has significant role in realizing self-reliance in agricultural products and very unique role in the national development. This study aiming to determine the role of promoting and teaching the human source in improving the productivity and function of Thymus Vulgaris, an herbal medicine, in 2016 in west region of Iran. Regarding the objective this study is applied one and regarding the method is (causal- communicative). The sample population includes 115 persons of (70 farmers and 45 office workers) in the west of the country. The number of samples is determined as 100 persons by using the Cochran method and sampling by the method of classified-accidental has been done as 60-40 for farmers and office workers, respectively. To collect the deleted data regarding the effect of agriculture office extension courses in 2015 the Ghavami and Hosseini Nia questionnaire (2004) with the Likert spectrum 5-choice scale was used. To measure its validity, the ideas of Kermanshah agriculture office workers and also related Faculty were used and its reliability for the farmer’s questionnaire is 0.93 and for office workers is 0.92 by using order alpha. The results of ranked regression analysis in SPSS software Showed that human resource learning components including the evaluation of awareness, market assessment and education are for the farmer (0.46,0.83,0.5) and for the agriculture office worker (0.06,0.31,0.80) has the efficiency quotient and productivity on the thyme medicine herb.


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