Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Agricultural Development and Management, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, faculty of Agricultur and Engineering and Rural Development, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Iran.

3 Ph.D. Graduated of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran.

5 Ph.D. Student of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran.


. In recent decades, special emphasis has been placed on qualitative methodology to overcome these problems. One of the most important qualitative research strategies is the theory of grandeur. The theory of theory plays an important role in identifying the hidden and obscure dimensions of the subject. Despite this, generally, quantitative research methods were used in academic research and the use of qualitative research from Academic research has encountered barriers and challenges. In this regard, this research was conducted as a barrier to using the qualitative research method in academic research. The statistical population of this study was the statistical community of this study, which was composed of professors and Ph.D. students of agricultural extension and agricultural education and agricultural development. They were selected by snowball sampling (chain reference). The interview was used to collect data. In this study, 16 faculty members and PhD students were interviewed, interviewed by asking questions about the barriers to using the qualitative research method in academic research (open interview) and the remaining questions were based on the responses of the interviewee. Data analysis was based on Strauss and Queen's paradigm model. The results of the study finally presented as a model with a lack of tendency to qualitative research in academic studies. In this model, the causative conditions, intervener and dominant context were identified and the main category in this model was tendency to qualitative research and the interaction of interactions was related to the component of educational system improvement.


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