Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 payame nor university

2 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences PNU Iran

3 Faculty of psychology and educational Science PNU Iran

4 faculty of Psychology and educational science, PNU Iran


Expanding the rural community and lack of resources has made access to institutions responsible for rural education difficult. In this regard, the optimum use of educational technology and education by mobile phone can be an alternative in farmers' education. So, the purpose of this research is investigating the Factors Affecting the use of Mobile Phones in Agricultural Education in Poldokhtar Township, based quantitative paradigm and descriptive method. To this end, a combination of theoretical models was the basis of the conceptual framework of this research. The statistical population of this research consisted of farmers in Apharineh district of Poldokhtar Township (N= 589) their characteristics and contact number were recorded in the Agricultural Jihad Center. The sample size is estimated to be 149 people according to Morgan table, which were selected by stratified random sampling method with proportional assignment. A questionnaire was used to data collection that its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and confirmatory factor analysis (AVE >0/50), and its reliability was assessed by measuring the Theta coefficients (θ>0/60),. Statistical tests consist of Spearman's correlation coefficient, confirmatory factor analysis and mean extraction variance. For fitting the model and data analyzing in the form of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), AMOS20 software was used. The results showed that the effect of two main variables of mental norms and perceived behavioral control on the intention to accept mobile learning is confirmed


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