Supportive Approaches to Sustain Entrepreneurial Education in Agricultural Higher Education from the Experts' View, Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Agricultural Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Development, the University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

2 Ph.D. candidatebn, Agricultural Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Development, the University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Development, the University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.


Providing a Balanced Growth Context The competencies of learners in the Teaching-learning process are realized in entrepreneurial education formation. The number of proposed strategies for implementing entrepreneurial education requires a strategy that is most consistent with the educational system. With this approach, the aim of the current applied research was to prioritize strategies for the establishment of entrepreneurial education in the agricultural education system. A panel of 21 experts was selected to address the priority network of entrepreneurial education strategies. Based on the analytical network process, which is the general theory of relative measurement, for the inference of the relative importance of composite priority, the elements of the network of relationships between the criteria and the strategies that form the basis of entrepreneurial education in a decision space were measured. Solving the Super Matrix with Super Decision software showed that the university-industry collaboration (UIC) in a network structure plays a role as the most appropriate strategy for realizing agricultural entrepreneurial education criteria. The result of the sensitivity analysis showed that the proposed structure could be repeatable.


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