Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ilam university

2 faculty member/Islamic Azad university

3 Faculty Member

4 faculty of member in Islamic Azad University, Ilam branch


this study was conducted with the aim to identify the educational promoter and deterrent affecting the successful management of agricultural knowledge-based companies in the west of the Iran for development in the summer of 2020; it was done qualitatively and with the method of Grounded theory. In order to identify the components From in-depth solo interviews Used with the Managing Director of knowledge-based agricultural companies in the west of the country (N = 45) Which was obtained after interviews with 21 Managing Director. The selection of Managing Director for the interview was purposeful and judgmental. Data analysis by line-by-line analysis and in the form of conventional content analysis using MAXQDA12 software Leads to the identification of 26 main components In the form of 4 categories of Educational factors In the field of marketing, Cultural, Entrepreneurship And technical-specialized as Promoter. Educational deterrent affecting the successful management of agricultural knowledge-based companies also includes 25 main components in the form of 4 categories Barriers to vocational training were central knowledge, communication and management. The main educational promoters with the highest frequency of repetition by the respondents Establishment of professional research centers to train Managing Director in conducting applied research and training on how to conduct applied research in knowledge-based agricultural companies; Two barriers to the lack of entrepreneurial skills among managing director and lack of knowledge of technologies produced in universities with the highest frequency of repetition were identified as the main obstacles.


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