gelareh Jamshidnejad; marjan vahedi; Alireza Poursaeed; hamed chaharsoughi amin
this study was conducted with the aim to identify the educational promoter and deterrent affecting the successful management of agricultural knowledge-based companies in the west of the Iran for development in the summer of 2020; it was done qualitatively and with the method of Grounded theory. In order ...
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this study was conducted with the aim to identify the educational promoter and deterrent affecting the successful management of agricultural knowledge-based companies in the west of the Iran for development in the summer of 2020; it was done qualitatively and with the method of Grounded theory. In order to identify the components From in-depth solo interviews Used with the Managing Director of knowledge-based agricultural companies in the west of the country (N = 45) Which was obtained after interviews with 21 Managing Director. The selection of Managing Director for the interview was purposeful and judgmental. Data analysis by line-by-line analysis and in the form of conventional content analysis using MAXQDA12 software Leads to the identification of 26 main components In the form of 4 categories of Educational factors In the field of marketing, Cultural, Entrepreneurship And technical-specialized as Promoter. Educational deterrent affecting the successful management of agricultural knowledge-based companies also includes 25 main components in the form of 4 categories Barriers to vocational training were central knowledge, communication and management. The main educational promoters with the highest frequency of repetition by the respondents Establishment of professional research centers to train Managing Director in conducting applied research and training on how to conduct applied research in knowledge-based agricultural companies; Two barriers to the lack of entrepreneurial skills among managing director and lack of knowledge of technologies produced in universities with the highest frequency of repetition were identified as the main obstacles.
Mahboobeh Ataei-Asad; Reza Movahedi
The evidences of fertilizers consumption in Hamedan show that farmers are applying fertilizers in a non-standard and excessive manner therefore, in long-term they will harm the environment and human health. Since,this farmers' behavior as chemical fertilizer users is influenced by various factors.The ...
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The evidences of fertilizers consumption in Hamedan show that farmers are applying fertilizers in a non-standard and excessive manner therefore, in long-term they will harm the environment and human health. Since,this farmers' behavior as chemical fertilizer users is influenced by various factors.The main purpose of this applied research was to investigate the effect of knowledge,attitude andbehavioral intentiononthe farmers' behaviorfertilizerapplication behavior in Hamadan.The statistical populationof the studyincluded14,200potato farmers working in the central district of Hamadan city which375farmers were determined by using Morgan's sampling table.To select samples,a random sampling method was used and the samples ofeachvillage selected in terms of proportional method.Thedata collectiontool was a questionnaire.Diagnostic validity method was used to assess the validityof the research questions thatshowed avalue higherthan0.5(AVE≤0.5)andacceptableforthevariables.Inordertocalculatethereliability,thecomposite reliabilitymethod wasused,and it was higher than 0.75 (CR≥0.75)and acceptable for constructs.The datawere analyzed using structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach and softwareof SmartPLS version3.0.The results showed that knowledge withintermediate role of attitude and behavioral intention has a positiveand significant association with farmers'behavior.This indicates the farmers have adequate intention to obtain knowledge and information about the proper use of chemical fertilizers.The results also revealed that farmers 'attitudes have a positive and significant effecton farmers' behavior in using chemical fertilizers.Moreover,attitude with intermediate roleof behavioral intention has apositive and significant effect on behavior.Therefore,it can be concluded that there is a positive attitude about the use of chemical fertilizers among the farmers in the region.
Pouria Ataei; Somayeh Moradhaseli; Hamid Karimi
< p >The study aimed to evaluate students'' external effectiveness of agricultural education and its effect on their attitudes toward future career. The statistical population was agricultural students of Iran public universities in 2020 (N=236973). From whom 386 students were selected as a sample through ...
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< p >The study aimed to evaluate students'' external effectiveness of agricultural education and its effect on their attitudes toward future career. The statistical population was agricultural students of Iran public universities in 2020 (N=236973). From whom 386 students were selected as a sample through stratified random sampling method. The assessment tool was a questionnaire whose face and content validity was confirmed by academic experts and discriminant validity (AVE= 0.5-0.68) was used for determination of structure validity. Reliability of questionnaire was determined by ordinal theta (Ɵ= 0.75-0.91) and composite eliability (CR= 0.74-0.91). The variables were measured on a five-point Likert scale (from 1 = very low to 5 = very high). Data was analyzed by applying SPSSwin23 and AMOS22. To develop structural model, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used in first and second stages for testing measurement models. Results of CFA showed that components of structures were able to measuring of related structures. Results of structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that educational process had a positive and significant effect on students’ competencies, satisfaction with the field of study, and attitude towards future career. Also, students’ competencies and satisfaction with the field of study influenced their attitude towards future career positively and significantly. It can be concluded that educational process can influence students’ competencies and satisfaction with the field of study and lead positive attitude towards future career.
zahra baazm; Hossein khozeymehnezhad
one of the most important factors affecting the diffusion of innovations and new ideas in the agricultural industry is training farmers in the field of correct management of water resources in drought conditions. Therefore, the role of effective training on water resources management from viewpoint of ...
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one of the most important factors affecting the diffusion of innovations and new ideas in the agricultural industry is training farmers in the field of correct management of water resources in drought conditions. Therefore, the role of effective training on water resources management from viewpoint of farmers in water deficit condition in birjand plain, south khorasan province was investigated. the research method was causal – correlation. the population of the study consisted of farmers in birjand plain south khorasan province. the sample size was determined by using morgan table and was selected by random sampling method. the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using cronbach 's alpha coefficient equal to 0.92 which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. form and content validity of questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of faculty members of agricultural sciences and natural resources of birjand and agricultural jihad organization .this research aimed to prioritize the criteria( sub criteria) and sub – criteria) sub – criteria (using analytic hierarchy process) ahp) and network analysis (anp ). in order to analyze collected data, super decisions software, spss and expert choice software were used. the results showed that farmers who participated in agricultural water management in the field of agricultural water management, had significantly greater willingness, understanding, knowledge, commitment and belief in the field of agricultural water management and using new innovations. the results of this research can be used as an index to make management decisions to increase the participation of farmers in optimal management of resources.
Zahra Teimuri Koohsar; saeed Mohammadzadeh; Maghsud Ferasatkhah
Student Engagement is a phrase that was first proposed to understand and explain academic failure and wasconsidered as a basis for reforming the process of education. This study is an applied research and in termsof data collection method is a survey research. To achieve the research goal, fuzzy hierarchical ...
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Student Engagement is a phrase that was first proposed to understand and explain academic failure and wasconsidered as a basis for reforming the process of education. This study is an applied research and in termsof data collection method is a survey research. To achieve the research goal, fuzzy hierarchical analysis andfactor analysis methods were used. Research participants in the fuzzy hierarchical analysis section included20 agricultural higher education professionals who participated to extract and evaluate the relative importanceof indicators for measuring student engagement. Findings of fuzzy hierarchical analysis showed that peerlearning, Work Integrated Learning, and experiential learning with professors were of greater importance in theengagement of agricultural students. In the survey section with a statistical population including 1000 third andfourth year students of Iranian universities and colleges of agriculture, based on the Krejcie and Morgan table,278 students (128 male and 118 female) were selected as the sample size of the research using Stratified samplingwith proportional assignment. Findings of factor analysis indicate that from Students' opinions, componentssuch as combination of specialized experiences in learning, reflective and integrated learning, participatorylearning, effective teaching methods, learning strategies and Higher Order learning are the most important in thestudent engagement of students in universities and colleges of agricultural sciences, respectively.
Abbas Norozi
Today, growth of entrepreneurship training programs in universities and higher education centers are based on the pre assumption that entrepreneurship skills are acquired. The purpose of this study was to extract factors affecting entrepreneurship skills of students in agriculture training centers in ...
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Today, growth of entrepreneurship training programs in universities and higher education centers are based on the pre assumption that entrepreneurship skills are acquired. The purpose of this study was to extract factors affecting entrepreneurship skills of students in agriculture training centers in three provinces of Fars, Khorasan Razavi, and Alborz. The research method was applied in terms of purpose and exploratory in terms of mixed data type. The data collection tool was a researcher- made questionnaire, content validity of which was approved by agricultural extension and education experts and its reliability was estimated to be 0.91 using ordinal theta coefficient. The independent variables consisted of educational, psychological, economic, and socio and cultural variables and the dependent variable was entrepreneurship skills. The statistical population of the research is last semester students in agriculture training centers in Fars, Khorasan Razavi, and Alborz provinces in 2018(670). The sample size was determined using Morgan table, 245 people and were selected by stratified random sampling with proportional assignment. The findings of spearman correlation test showed that factors: educational, psychological, economic, and socio and cultural had a significant positive correlation with entrepreneurship skills. Applying interactive models of structural Equation Modeling (SEM) indicated that the most important factor affecting entrepreneurship skills among respondents is psychological factor with the path coefficient of 0/63. Educational and economic factors affected entrepreneurship skills with path coefficients of 0/24 and 0/23.
masud samian; Reza Movahedi; Heshmatollah Sadi; Ebrahim salehi Omran
Today's universities must meet the growing needs of society in various areas, including education, research, entrepreneurship and manpower management, including students and faculty members at the national and international levels. In fact, the university is responsible for training specialized and skilled ...
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Today's universities must meet the growing needs of society in various areas, including education, research, entrepreneurship and manpower management, including students and faculty members at the national and international levels. In fact, the university is responsible for training specialized and skilled manpower, as the most important asset of society. The essential role expected of the university is to prepare a scientist, capable and prosperous human being in society. Therefore, according to the growing needs of society and identifying the competencies needed by students to face society in this study, we seek to determine the model of competencies of agricultural students based on a qualitative method. The statistical population of this study included professors of agricultural universities, agricultural specialists in the public and private sectors. The research tool was semi-structured interviews with 28 people. Also, data analysis was performed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The results showed that the causal conditions needed for the creating of the core theme (competencies of agricultural students) include communication skills, experimental and practical skills, entrepreneurial skills, managerial skills and team and group skills. Interventional (effective) conditions also include the presence of outstanding professors, the use of teaching aids and recognition of the economic potential of the region. In addition, the background conditions and the necessary context for the emergence of the core theme, namely the competencies of agricultural students, were: the university education methods, creating interest and motivation in students, and communication with leading agricultural activists and frontier farmers. Action and reaction strategies also included lack of attention to the needs of the labor market, using emotional intelligence and the problems faced to the agricultural sector and the awareness with them
abdullah mukhber dezfoli; mehrdad Teymouri; omid jamshidi; Shahram Moqaddas Farimani; jamshid pishkar
This paper was aimed to investigate the variables affecting students' satisfaction towards practical projects amid education in the agricultural education and research centers. This was a quantitative research which applied a survey method to collect the data. The statistical population of the study ...
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This paper was aimed to investigate the variables affecting students' satisfaction towards practical projects amid education in the agricultural education and research centers. This was a quantitative research which applied a survey method to collect the data. The statistical population of the study was all students active in practical projects amid education equal to 102 people. This research was conducted in centers where at least 3 projects have been implemented, such as research centers of Isfahan, East Azerbaijan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Qazvin, Khorasan Razavi, Mazandaran, Hamedan, Bushehr and Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center. Due to few number of members of the statistical community, all of them were studied by census method. The main research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which its reliability was evaluated by Composite Reliability (CR) for each of the research instrument constructs which was above 0.7 indicating the internal reliability of the questionnaire and GOF index which was 0.571 indicting good fitness of model. The data was analyzed using PLS-SMART and SPSS software. The results showed that from the perspective of the respondents, the experience of the agent of the projects, proper supervision of project supervisors and careful planning of executive are effective in students' satisfaction towards projects.
soheila pourjavid; bahman Khosravipour; Amirhossein Alibaygi
Universities are usually made subject to many complex, and sometimes contradictory, changes in the provision of job opportunities, missions, technological advancements, budgets and national/international competitions. These changes can pose threats to the traditional mode of education, research and services. ...
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Universities are usually made subject to many complex, and sometimes contradictory, changes in the provision of job opportunities, missions, technological advancements, budgets and national/international competitions. These changes can pose threats to the traditional mode of education, research and services. They have prompted the need to perform activities better, faster and with less cost. While universities must protect the ideals and values of society and strive to convey virtuous culture from one generation to another, they are also expected to be agile and flexible in policies. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify the components of institutionalization of the fourth generation of universities in Iranian organizations of higher education. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with specialists in agriculture of higher education and experts who also had managerial experience in starred academic positions. The research involved 20 individual interviews via line-by-line analysis. The interviews were processed in the form of conventional content analysis using MAXQDA software. Based on the findings, the components of institutionalization of the fourth generation of universities in Iranian agricultural higher education included the competence of the agricultural university, the speed and flexibility of the university in dealing with changes and transformations, responsiveness, knowledge-based learning and innovative capacity of the university, all of which summarily comprised the 6 components
Agricultural education
Alireza Arbab; Mostafa Yousefelahi; Valiollah Sarani; Hasan SHahrki
This research was an applied research and in terms of data collection method, it was a descriptive-correlational research that was done using a survey technique. The statistical population of the study consisted of 4805 agricultural producers in five counties of Sistan region. Using the Cochran formula, ...
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This research was an applied research and in terms of data collection method, it was a descriptive-correlational research that was done using a survey technique. The statistical population of the study consisted of 4805 agricultural producers in five counties of Sistan region. Using the Cochran formula, a sample of 355 individuals was selected and used by stratified sampling method. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by the committee. The reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated using a preliminary test and completing 30 questionnaires in the statistical population and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated at the desired level. Findings of the research on the most important educational needs of the respondents showed that familiarity with animal feed requirements, familiarity with methods of estimating animal nutritional needs and principles of animal nutrition and nutritional needs of livestock have a high priority over other items. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that there was a significant relationship between the distance to the city center, the number of livestock livestock and the number of attending educational courses at the 99% confidence level and the number of referrals to the centers The agricultural and nomadic services and the number of heavy traps in the 95% confidence level have a positive and significant relationship with tribal education needs. The findings of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between the different levels of education of the nomads and their educational needs regarding livestock feeding.