Agricultural Education Administration Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Birjand University.

2 Associate professor, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.


one of the most important factors affecting the diffusion of innovations and new ideas in the agricultural industry is training farmers in the field of correct management of water resources in drought conditions. Therefore, the role of effective training on water resources management from viewpoint of farmers in water deficit condition in birjand plain, south khorasan province was investigated. the research method was causal – correlation. the population of the study consisted of farmers in birjand plain south khorasan province. the sample size was determined by using morgan table and was selected by random sampling method. the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using cronbach 's alpha coefficient equal to 0.92 which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. form and content validity of questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of faculty members of agricultural sciences and natural resources of birjand and agricultural jihad organization .this research aimed to prioritize the criteria( sub criteria) and sub – criteria) sub – criteria (using analytic hierarchy process) ahp) and network analysis (anp ). in order to analyze collected data, super decisions software, spss and expert choice software were used. the results showed that farmers who participated in agricultural water management in the field of agricultural water management, had significantly greater willingness, understanding, knowledge, commitment and belief in the field of agricultural water management and using new innovations. the results of this research can be used as an index to make management decisions to increase the participation of farmers in optimal management of resources.


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